Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Maple Hill Hop 35

Maple Hill Hop

Welcome to 
The Maple Hill Hop,
where we share our outdoor posts.
Grab the button and come on in!

 We've had steady rain for going on a week now,
and the Calabaza pumpkin plants are lovin' it!
We're trying something new this season 
by growing it vertically on a trellis.

 What do you think of these blooms?

 Another plant is located on the bamboo teepee.
This one's a bit slower to grow.

 Most pumpkins are planted toward the fall season,
as they enjoy the cooler weather.
This variety of pumpkin does well in our hot, humid conditions.

 We've been enjoying a few of the Celebrity tomatoes,
but they are not bearing as much fruit as I had hoped.
I'm thinkin' it's my soil.

 The garlic crop was a huge disappointment.
I'm not sure if it just rotted out with all the rain or what,
but it looks like I'll be buying garlic from the grocery for a while.

 Sweet potatoes are comin' along just fine.
We have them planted in several areas of the garden
and allow them to sprawl.

Our crape myrtles are starting to bloom.
These are a staple here in the south.

The passionflower vine is going gangbusters
with all of the rain.
Here, it covers the rain barrel and then some.
So far, I've only found a couple of gulf fritillary caterpillars on it,
so I'm hoping they invite some friends to enjoy munching this down.

The gloriosa daisy plants are finally starting to bloom.
I discovered this beauty a few years ago
and never plan to be without it in the garden again.
It's so worth the wait.

I can't remember what type of zinnias these are,
but they are my favorite now.
They remind me of firecrackers.
I'll need to go find more seed
and then I can update this post with the variety
so y'all can enjoy them too!

God sure does some amazing work, huh?

I hope you're getting all the rain you need where you are.
What's going on outside in your neck of the woods?

HOP to it!

Shared here.


  1. My garlic crop was a bust this year too! Which really stinks as nothing is more satisfying than a pantry full of home grown garlic.

    1. You are not kidding! Last year's garlic was superb! I hope we do better next year! Thanks for stopping by! ;0D

  2. Our garlic was pitiful, too. I'm hoping to do better next year. Our celebrity tomatoes are the only full size tomatoes that we've harvested yet. I'm excited to see how your calbaza pumpkins work out. All of our pumkin and ornamental squash seedlings got overturned so I'm not sure exactly what got planted but I think I have some white pumpkins growing. They're green now, but they look different than pumpkins normally do. Happy Gardening!

    1. I've never grown the white pumpkins. I wonder how they taste? Heading over to your blog today to catch up on your garden post!

  3. Amazing photos as always! I tried sweet potatoes once and they didn't amount to anything. I need to give them a try again since we love eating them. :)

    1. They really love the heat, so maybe it's just not hot enough up there. Or you may need to try a different variety. Try, try again! ;0D

  4. Whoa, I've never seen a pumpkin blossom that big before - awesome!

    1. Me neither! Let's hope that's a good sign! ;0D


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